The original oxidation ditch and final clarifiers constructed and placed online in 1994
are still utilized in the treatment process.
are still utilized in the treatment process.
The 2023 SSO (sanitary sewer overflow) report is now available. Please contact Josh Holton at [email protected] if you wish to view the report.
The District's wastewater system has one (1) wastewater treatment facility located at 8720 Gale Road. The Gale Road Environmental Control Facility has a permitted capacity of 4.3 million gallons per day and discharges to the South Fork of the Licking River. The facility consists of an influent pump station, influent screen facility, oxidation ditch/extended aeration basin, four (4) final clarifiers, two (2) return activated sludge pump stations, post aeration, UV disinfection and sludge processing, and storage facilities. The wastewater collection system consists of over 160 miles of sanitary sewers with manholes located approximately every 400 feet. Additionally, the District operates and maintains forty-three (43) wastewater pump stations.
The District's wastewater system has one (1) wastewater treatment facility located at 8720 Gale Road. The Gale Road Environmental Control Facility has a permitted capacity of 4.3 million gallons per day and discharges to the South Fork of the Licking River. The facility consists of an influent pump station, influent screen facility, oxidation ditch/extended aeration basin, four (4) final clarifiers, two (2) return activated sludge pump stations, post aeration, UV disinfection and sludge processing, and storage facilities. The wastewater collection system consists of over 160 miles of sanitary sewers with manholes located approximately every 400 feet. Additionally, the District operates and maintains forty-three (43) wastewater pump stations.
The Environmental Control Facility Phases 1A and 1B expansions were completed in 2001 and 2004 respectively. These expansions provided an influent pump station, influent screening facility, additional aeration capacity, final clarification, final effluent/post aeration treatment, and a solids processing/storage building.
The District's Gale Road Environmental Control Facility discharges to the South Fork of the Licking River.
The District has established policies to regulate significant
industrial and commercial wastewater discharges to our collection system.
These policies require execution of an Discharge Application and Pretreatment Survey,
and submission for review.
industrial and commercial wastewater discharges to our collection system.
These policies require execution of an Discharge Application and Pretreatment Survey,
and submission for review.