Our Billing is set up on a monthly cycle. (Mid month to Mid month.)
You should receive a bill each month for the previous month's service.
Our bills are mailed on the last business day of the month.
If you have not received your bill by the 7th of the month, please contact our Billing Department (740-927-0410) for your amount due and a duplicate statement will be sent to you.
2024 Rates for Service
Water Service
$19.93 minimum per month, based on 0-2,000 gallons
Additional consumption bills at:
2001 - 40,000 gallons, $5.88 per 1,000 gallons
Over 40,000 gallons, $7.69 per 1,000 gallons
Additional consumption bills at:
2001 - 40,000 gallons, $5.88 per 1,000 gallons
Over 40,000 gallons, $7.69 per 1,000 gallons
Metered Sanitary Sewer Service
includes an OM&R (Operations, Maintenance & Repair) charge
$31.15 minimum per month, based on 0-2,000 gallons
+ $8.00 Debt Elimination Charge =
$39.15 Total Monthly Minimum Charge
Additional consumption:
$10.38 per 1,000 gallons
$31.15 minimum per month, based on 0-2,000 gallons
+ $8.00 Debt Elimination Charge =
$39.15 Total Monthly Minimum Charge
Additional consumption:
$10.38 per 1,000 gallons
Metered Combined Service, based on 0-2,000 gallons
$19.93 Minimum Monthly Water Charge
+ $39.15 Minimum Monthly Sanitary Sewer Charge =
$59.08 Total Monthly Minimum Charge
+ $39.15 Minimum Monthly Sanitary Sewer Charge =
$59.08 Total Monthly Minimum Charge
Unmetered Sanitary Sewer Charge
includes an OM&R (Operations, Maintenance & Repair) charge
$51.02 flat rate per month
+ $8.00 Debt Elimination Charge =
$59.02 Total Monthly Charge
$51.02 flat rate per month
+ $8.00 Debt Elimination Charge =
$59.02 Total Monthly Charge
(eQuivalent Single Family Unit ~ Residential Connection Fee)
(Residential Subdivisions Already Charged Capacity Fee)
$6,900.00 Tap Fee + $380.00 3/4" Meter Fee = $7,280.00
(Residential Properties Not Already Charged Capacity Fee)
$6,900.00 Tap Fee + $1,000.00 Capacity Fee + $380.00 3/4" Meter Fee = $8,280.00
$6,900.00 Tap Fee + $380.00 3/4" Meter Fee = $7,280.00
(Residential Properties Not Already Charged Capacity Fee)
$6,900.00 Tap Fee + $1,000.00 Capacity Fee + $380.00 3/4" Meter Fee = $8,280.00
ESFU Sanitary Sewer tap Fee
(includes inspection fee)
(Residential Subdivisions Already Charged Capacity Fee)
(Residential Properties Not Already Charged Capacity Fee)
$9,000.00 Tap Fee + $1,000.00 Capacity Fee = $10,000.00
Please contact our office (740-927-0410)
for information on Non-Residential connection fees.
(Residential Properties Not Already Charged Capacity Fee)
$9,000.00 Tap Fee + $1,000.00 Capacity Fee = $10,000.00
Please contact our office (740-927-0410)
for information on Non-Residential connection fees.